Central Ward December E-Newsletter


Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a safe and fun start to 2019

Hutt’s rates rises are lower than most

Nobody likes getting their rates bill but there is independent evidence that Hutt City Council is keeping its rates rises lower than most.  The government has asked the Productivity Commission to run a major review of the cost pressures on local authorities and how New Zealand’s councils might fund growing infrastructure costs.  The Commission recently published an issues report and one of the tables compared average annual growth in rates  per capita across all 67 territorial NZ local authorities from 1996-2017 (i.e. not including regional councils).

Hutt City’s average  – at less than 1% – was the second lowest in the country.  Only Napier had a better record than us. 
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Central Ward July 2018 E-Newsletter

Boost for Hutt health services
Lower Hutt is to get a new – and large – medical centre.  It’s to be built on the former bowling club land off Witako St, adjacent to the Hutt Hospital campus.  Resource consent has been granted for a two-storey building with a gross floor area of 3,398m2 (that’s the equivalent of a large supermarket), which will include GP consulting rooms; physio, pharmacy and dental areas; a health food shop, a cafe and child care centre.  There will be 133 off-street carparks.
The developer is buying the land from Hutt City Council, which will go a long way towards offsetting the cost of the regional bowling centre council built on Walter Mildenhall Park.
Continue reading “Central Ward July 2018 E-Newsletter”

Fired up over future of boards vs panels

It took more than two hours of at times heated debate on Wednesday night before a majority of Hutt City councillors voted to stick with current representation arrangements – at least until March 2021.

Two councillors – Chris Milne and Leigh Sutton – said the move was “kicking the can down the road” and failing to confront the issue of second tier representation inequality.  But the majority believed the city’s four community panels, set up 18 months ago, haven’t yet been properly tested, and it was too early to consider replacing the three long-standing community boards  in the southern parts of the city with panels.
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Melling interchange designs – what’s your pick?

The ‘straight’ interchange and new bridge option, linking into Queens Drive.

The ‘dog-leg’ option or straight as an arrow?  Connect with Melling Link or with Queens Drive?

Locals are being asked for their views on what traffic improvements and a new bridge at Melling should look like.

After considering more than 40 interchange designs, the NZ Transport Agency/Greater Wellington/Hutt City Council Riverlink project team has short-listed three top options.
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Airport Flyer saved – for now

An 11th hour announcement from NZ Bus that it will keep running – at least for now – the Airport Flyer and commuter bus routes 80, 90, 91, 92 and 93 took the heat out of last night’s public meeting organised by Labour MP Ginny Anderson and city councillor Campbell Barry.  

Ginny Anderson and Campbell Barry address the transport meeting.

But it wasn’t the only piece of news on public transport in the Hutt Valley, with confirmation a fare increase of 3% is coming in on July 15, as well as new discounts, more frequent off-peak trains and an end to fare penalties when passengers using a Snapper card transfer from one connecting bus service to another within a 30 minute window.

About 100 people packed the Petone Rugby Clubrooms to hear from speakers including the deputy chair of the regional council’s sustainable transport committee Daran Ponter and Mt Roskill MP Michael Wood.

The regional council had only been informed by NZ Bus earlier yesterday that, after a review, it had decided it would not stop running the Airport Flyer and the Valley’s five popular commuter bus services.  These are services run on a commercial basis (i.e. unlike most other public transport services, there is no subsidy by ratepayers).
Continue reading “Airport Flyer saved – for now”

Newest Hutt citizens take the oath

Lower Hutt welcomed 159 new New Zealand citizens on Thursday.

Four or five times a year, Hutt City Church in Marsden St is filled with people from all corners of the earth, and their friends and supporters, as they make an oath of affirmation or oath of allegiance to the Queen.  It’s the final step in their becoming citizens of New Zealand.

Mayor Ray Wallace officiates with Mayoress Linda Goss-Wallace.  As he always tells them, he knows what it’s like to come from a different country and to make New Zealand a home.  That’s what his family did when they came from Scotland when he was young.
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New street, new houses points to Urban Plus expansion

Fairfield Waters is the most ambitious residential development that Urban Plus Ltd has taken on to date but even before finishing touches are completed, all but one of the 20 new homes have been sold.

The mix of two-storey townhouses, single storey homes and two-storey terraced housing is off Summit Rd in Fairfield, on a new private road officially unveiled as Glen Evans Crescent by the late mayor’s wife Barbara on February 27.  Two of the couple’s sons, Mike and Geoff, were also present.

It’s fitting that there is now a street named after one of our greatest mayors.

Mayor Ray Wallace said Glen, who was mayor from 1986-1995, was “one of the city’s champions”.  He had a very deep understanding of Lower Hutt, “particularly its vulnerabilities” (he was a driving force for floodway projects and the replacement Ewen Bridge) and was also at the helm at the time of the tumultuous and highly-charged government-mandated 1989 amalgamations, when Lower Hutt, Eastbourne, Petone and Wainuiomata were joined.

Ray said Fairfield Waters is a medium density development that is aligned with the city’s Urban Growth Strategy, an ambitious plan to boost the number of homes in the city by 6000 by the end of 2032.  “We’re on target for that at the moment.”

Profit from the Fairfield Waters project will be ploughed back into expanding the city’s social housing portfolio, which is focused on providing rental units for low-income people over 65.  Last year Urban Plus sold off 27 social housing units that were considered to be of the wrong design or location for modern needs.   That leaves us with 151 units, and Urban Plus is now negotiating for  suitable sites to build additional units.

Avalon Park dog ban may be ended

It’s likely dogs will be allowed in Avalon Park – but only on a leash, and nowhere near the playground area.

Councillors on the Policy & Regulatory Committee will tonight debate a recommendation that Avalon Park remain a Dog Prohibition Area, except on designated sealed walkways on the park’s perimeter, and the far northern part of the park.

A total ban on dogs in the park (except for the northern area) has been in place since 2005 and it had been proposed that continue.  But a group of local residents sought change, and the council agreed to put it out to consultation.

The results are in.  Of 962 respondents (Citizens Panel and self-selected respondents), 62% agreed dogs should be allowed on leash in the park.  Main reasons given were that dogs should be allowed on pathways; that people should be allowed to exercise their dog as long as it is on a lead; that it was important for children to have some contact with dogs.

Of the 35% opposed to relaxing the dog ban, the main reasons given were: there are plenty of other places for dogs to be walked; dog poo is not being picked up; the northern area of open space is sufficient for dogs; dogs and children should be kept apart.

A sub-committee was to hear submissions and consider the survey results but in light of the majority response in favour of change, the recommendation is to allow dogs on leash on the sealed pathway that runs right around the boundary of the entire park, and the open space to the north.

One clear message sent to dog owners and the council is that plenty of people are sick of stepping in dog poo that hasn’t been picked up.  Some 75% of those in opposition to a return of dogs to Avalon Park complained about this.  Council may well have to look an installing extra bins and bag dispensers to encourage dog owners to do what they should be doing with their dog’s ‘do’.

Parking hogs should take more care

Parking is hard to find around our train stations and shopping centres but there are some drivers who are either incompetent or totally selfish.  These parking hogs ignore the white lines that act as a guide to where the front or rear of the vehicles should be, and end up taking two spaces.

The result is to frustrate other drivers, or cause other parkers to try and squeeze their car into the space that remains. .

Not only does this leave them liable to a parking ticket if the front or rear of their vehicle overhangs the white parking space lines, it also means the resident whose driveway is adjacent can’t get a clear view as they exit their property and may have to swing out over the centreline to get around the offending vehicle.

The photos on this post were taken near Waterloo Interchange.

Every six weeks Hutt City Council’s Traffic Sub-Committee has in front of it reports recommending that parking spaces have to be deleted or altered because drivers are impinging on the one metre clearance required on either side of a driveway entry/exit.

A bit more consideration for others by a few errant parkers would go a long way to easing parking pressure and frustration.

Eastern Hutt now a ‘Green Gold’ school

Today’s generation of adults have done lots of good things, but not a very good job of looking after the environment.  Climate change is now the biggest threat to life on this planet.

So it’s great to see a generation of today’s school kids getting stuck into recycling, composting, and planting as part of the EnviroSchool programme.

Late last year, a decade after first embarking on the EnviroSchool programme and progressing through bronze and silver stages, Eastern Hutt School achieved ‘Green Gold’ status.  Schools in Lower Hutt were early adopters of the EnviroSchool ethos and a number have reach the Gold standard, but Eastern Hutt is the school with the largest role to achieve this milestone.

Each class has its own garden and there are lots of other plantings around the school to commemorate various events, to provide nectar for bees and butterflies, and so that pupils can explore the cultural uses of plants.

Plenty of youngsters also use walking buses to get to and from school, and there are solar panels on classroom roofs that generate some of the electricity the schools uses.

Congratulations to all involved – and especially the school’s EnviroSchool pupil leadership team.

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