Avalon Park dog ban may be ended

It’s likely dogs will be allowed in Avalon Park – but only on a leash, and nowhere near the playground area.

Councillors on the Policy & Regulatory Committee will tonight debate a recommendation that Avalon Park remain a Dog Prohibition Area, except on designated sealed walkways on the park’s perimeter, and the far northern part of the park.

A total ban on dogs in the park (except for the northern area) has been in place since 2005 and it had been proposed that continue.  But a group of local residents sought change, and the council agreed to put it out to consultation.

The results are in.  Of 962 respondents (Citizens Panel and self-selected respondents), 62% agreed dogs should be allowed on leash in the park.  Main reasons given were that dogs should be allowed on pathways; that people should be allowed to exercise their dog as long as it is on a lead; that it was important for children to have some contact with dogs.

Of the 35% opposed to relaxing the dog ban, the main reasons given were: there are plenty of other places for dogs to be walked; dog poo is not being picked up; the northern area of open space is sufficient for dogs; dogs and children should be kept apart.

A sub-committee was to hear submissions and consider the survey results but in light of the majority response in favour of change, the recommendation is to allow dogs on leash on the sealed pathway that runs right around the boundary of the entire park, and the open space to the north.

One clear message sent to dog owners and the council is that plenty of people are sick of stepping in dog poo that hasn’t been picked up.  Some 75% of those in opposition to a return of dogs to Avalon Park complained about this.  Council may well have to look an installing extra bins and bag dispensers to encourage dog owners to do what they should be doing with their dog’s ‘do’.

4 thoughts on “Avalon Park dog ban may be ended

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  1. I think that would be a really great and positive step to take. Long overdue.

    While giving the dogs (and their owners) a little more freedom – maybe a bit of control can be put on the two legged animals that use the park – despite the number of bins around fling their chicken and pork bones and other rubbish that they dont want on the ground not far from where they are sitting, near their cars that are parked on the grassed areas. Also the idiots that drive their cars up the grass bank to the stop bank – some for their own amusement and others (that I have seen) to take a shortened route to the road below.
    I would say that in the use of the park – dogs with their owners are the lesser problem

  2. It is fine as long as dog owners keep their dogs on leashes (a rule that is often ignored in other areas) and pick up after their dogs.
    Respect children and people who are not comfortable around dogs.
    None of these things seem to matter in any other areas including beaches.

    1. Agree with your comments Genevieve. Dogs are allowed at either end of Petone beach off leash, but they still have to be under their owner’s control (i.e. come when called). They should not be allowed to annoy others, especially those people who are not comfortable around dogs. Cheers.

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