Newest Hutt citizens take the oath

Lower Hutt welcomed 159 new New Zealand citizens on Thursday.

Four or five times a year, Hutt City Church in Marsden St is filled with people from all corners of the earth, and their friends and supporters, as they make an oath of affirmation or oath of allegiance to the Queen.  It’s the final step in their becoming citizens of New Zealand.

Mayor Ray Wallace officiates with Mayoress Linda Goss-Wallace.  As he always tells them, he knows what it’s like to come from a different country and to make New Zealand a home.  That’s what his family did when they came from Scotland when he was young.

Ready to make the oath were people from 28 countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Cambodia, China, Denmark, Fiji, Great Britain, India, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden and the USA.

Ray urged them to become part of the community, but to retain their own traditions and never forget where they came from.  “We are all enriched by your decision to live in New Zealand.”

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